Reach your health goals
with Acupuncture
What is Acupuncture?
ACUPUNCTURE is the practice to gently insert of very fine needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, sterile, individually packaged, and disposable. This process stimulates movement of energy within the body so that it can modify or prevent pain perception, and to normalize the body’s physiological functions.
There are many research results can explain how does acupuncture work:
Most of the acupuncture points are closely related to the branches of the spinal cord or central nervous system
Acupuncture stimulation activates nerve conduction fibers in the muscles, which transmit signals to the spinal cord, triggering the local release of dynorphins and endorphins
Fascia theory: Acupuncture points and anatomical bases are fascial scaffolds throughout the body
Vascular Nerve Bundle
Primo Vascular System